ray dining
Japanese Cuisine of Light
https://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/d-0.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/d-0.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/rd-p-004.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/rd-p-004.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/d-2.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/d-2.jpg 夕食 – 懐石料理 – Dinner – Kaiseki Cuisine *閑散期は異なります *Off-peak periods vary. 07:30 – 10:00 (LO 09:00) 07:30 – 10:00 (LO 09:00) 外来利用 Outpatient use 宿泊をされないビジターでのご利用も承っております。 We also accept visitors who are not staying overnight.完全予約制となりますので、事前のご予約をお願いしております。We ask that you make a reservation in advance as this is by appointment only.ホテルまでお気軽にお問い合わせください。 Please feel free to contact the hotel. *詳しくは下記よりご覧ください。 *For more information, please see below.・夕食&プランについてDinner Plan#dinner#dinner・朝食についてAbout Breakfast#breakfast#breakfast・お席についてAbout your seat#seat#seat chef: Yusuke Yamamoto chef: Yusuke Yamamoto 料理長 山本 祐輔Chef de Cuisine Yusuke Yamamoto 『五島列島の海や土地が育む魅力的な食材や、長年五島で食材を作り続けてきた農家の方々の想いを紡ぎ、この地ならではの料理を提供したいと思っております。』 1993年青森県に生まれる。高校卒業後、調理師専門学校を卒業したあと、2013年に東京・分とく山で料理人としてのキャリアをスタート。2024年2月に温故知新入社、五島リトリート ray by 温故知新に着任後、4月10日より総料理長に就任。 I would like to offer dishes unique to this region, weaving together the fascinating ingredients nurtured by the sea and land of the Goto Archipelago and the thoughts of the farmers who have been growing ingredients on Goto for many years.” Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1993. After graduating from high school and culinary school, he started his career as a chef at Buntokuzan in Tokyo in 2013. he joined Onkoshin in February 2024, and after arriving at Goto Retreat ray by Onkoshin, he was appointed as Executive Chef on April 10.https://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/upgrade.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/upgrade.jpg el sol y la luna「太陽と月」 el sol y la luna “the sun and the moon 伊勢海老堪能アップグレードプラン 8月下旬~5月中旬 昼間の光、夜の月の光の時間に活動し採れる食材をテーマに、五島の魅力・島の食材をたっぷりとご堪能いただけます。その時の「旬」を一番美味しい状態で皆様にお届けいたします。五島列島の厳選食材を使用した、ワンランク上のディナーをお愉しみください。 ※上記期間外でもご用意出来る場合がございます。お気軽にお問い合わせください。 Lobster Upgrade Plan Late August – Mid-May With the theme of ingredients that are active and harvested during the daytime light and nighttime moonlight, you can enjoy the charms of Gotō and the island’s ingredients in abundance. We will bring you the “season” of the time in its most delicious state. Please enjoy a dinner of a higher grade using carefully selected ingredients from the Goto Islands. We may be able to prepare the menu even outside of the above period. Please feel free to contact us.font-size: 11px;font-size: 11px;https://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/dinner-uphttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/dinner-uphttps://reserve.489ban.net/client/goto-ray/0/plan/id/140588/stayhttps://reserve.489ban.net/client/goto-ray/0/plan/id/140588/staydinnerdinnerhttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/standard.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/standard.jpg 「光の和食」スタンダードプラン Hikari’s Japanese Cuisine” Standard Plan シグネチャーディナー 通年(時期によりメニューは異なります) 五島や長崎の食を後世に伝え守り続けるため、島文化のエッセンスから着想を得たお料理。長崎のガラス、文化の継承、キラリと光る技、島の風土に育まれてきた伝統食。様々な「地域の光」を感じられる、それが「光の和食」です。 Signature Dinner Year-round (menu varies depending on the season) Dishes inspired by the essence of island culture to preserve and pass on the food of Gotō and Nagasaki to future generations. Nagasaki’s glass, inheritance of culture, glistening techniques, and traditional food nurtured by the island’s climate. You can feel the various “lights of the region”, that is “Japanese Cuisine of Light”.・メニュー (一例)Menu (example)https://reserve.489ban.net/client/goto-ray/0/plan/id/140401/stayhttps://reserve.489ban.net/client/goto-ray/0/plan/id/140401/stayhttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/rd-p-007.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/rd-p-007.jpg 7 – glasses pairing 7 – glasses pairing ソムリエ厳選 7種類のペアリング付きプラン 通年 ソムリエが厳選した7種類のペアリングを、光の和食と共にお愉しみいただけます。長崎を中心とした九州の地酒と選りすぐりのワイン、和酒と洋酒の垣根を超えたペアリングです。(*お食事のメニューはスタンダートプランと同じです。) Sommelier-selected 7 kinds of pairing plan Year-round Enjoy 7 kinds of pairings carefully selected by the sommelier with Hikari’s Japanese cuisine. The pairings transcend the boundaries between Japanese and Western sake, with a selection of wines and local sake from Nagasaki and other parts of Kyushu. (*Menu is the same as the standard plan)・このプランを予約Book this planhttps://reserve.489ban.net/client/goto-ray/0/plan/id/140402/stayhttps://reserve.489ban.net/client/goto-ray/0/plan/id/140402/stayhttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/sakana.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/sakana.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/d-3.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/d-3.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/sakana-400×346.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/sakana-400×346.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/otsukuri.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/otsukuri.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/d-5.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/d-5.jpg speciality – seafood speciality – seafood 伊勢海老 spiny lobster (esp. Japanese spiny lobster, Panulirus japonicus) 日本一の漁場で育つ王様 8月下旬~5月中旬 King grown in the best fishing grounds in Japan, late August to mid-May 五島の伊勢海老は、サイズが大きく、本土地域の3~5倍ほど。大小さまざまな島々からなる五島の入り組んだ漁場、早い海流は良質な伊勢海老を育てます。ray diningでは最高級の天然物に限定。アップグレードディナーでは、お客様のご要望に応じ、造里、焼きなど堪能いただけます。 The size of Gotō lobsters is three to five times larger than that of the mainland. At ray dining, we only serve the finest wild caught lobsters. At ray dining, we limit ourselves to only the finest wild caught lobsters, while our upgraded dinner menu allows you to choose from a wide variety of dishes, including zori, yaki, etc., according to your needs.https://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/rd-p-03.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/rd-p-03.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/rd-p-03-1.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/rd-p-03-1.jpg speciality – fish speciality – fish クエ(アラ) Kue (Ara) 幻の高級魚 通年(9月~2月がおすすめ) Phantom high quality fish all year round (September to February is recommended) 滅多に水揚げされない幻の魚「クエ」。地元では「アラ」と呼びます。複雑な岩礁を住みかとし、数十年生きるといわれています。10kg以上、中には40kg以上のものもあり、魚というより、まるで高級な「肉」。河豚や鯛は太刀打ちできません。ray diningでは、冬季限定で「クエ堪能プラン」をご用意。丸1本仕入だからできる、希少部位の数々。余すことなく堪能いただけます。 Kue, a fantastic fish that is rarely landed. Locals call it “Ara. Kue, which lives in complex reefs and is said to live for several decades, weighs more than 10 kg, with some weighing more than 40 kg, making it more like a premium meat than a fish. At dining, we offer a special winter-only “Kue Plan,” in which you can enjoy a whole Kue fish. We are able to purchase the whole fish, so we are able to offer a variety of rare parts. You can enjoy all of them. speciality – beef speciality – beef 五島牛 Goto beef 市場に出回らない希少牛 通年 Rare cattle that do not appear on the market Year-round 五島牛は、気持ちよい潮風、さわやかな五島の気候でのびのびと育った、高級黒毛和牛。赤身と脂身のバランスが良く、サシの入った霜降り肉です。 頭数が少なく、直接買い付けにくる業者も多いことから、市場への流通は皆無です。低温ローストなどにより、肉本体の旨味を存分に味わうことができます。 【注意】希少ゆえ、仕入れが困難な場合がございます。ご用意できない場合、長崎高級和牛等の提供となります。予めご了承ください。 Goto Beef is a premium Japanese black beef raised in the pleasant sea breeze and fresh climate of Goto. Goto beef has a good balance of lean and fatty meat, and is well marbled with a good amount of sashi. Since there are only a few head of beef, and many companies buy directly from us, there is no distribution in the market. The meat is roasted at a low temperature to fully enjoy the flavor of the meat itself. Note: Due to its rarity, it may be difficult to procure. If it is not available, we will offer Nagasaki high quality Wagyu beef, etc. Please understand this in advance.https://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/rd-p-05.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/rd-p-05.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/rd-p-05.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/rd-p-05.jpg speciality -shochu speciality -shochu ホテルオリジナル 五島芋 椿酵母 芋焼酎 Hotel original Goto sweet potato, camellia yeast, sweet potato shochu 五島列島に数多く自生する天然の椿。その花から採取される天然酵母を発酵過程に使用しました。米麹由来の優しい甘みがあり、お湯割りにすると口当たりがとてもまろやかになります。五島列島酒造とコラボレーションして誕生した、当館限定販売の芋焼酎です。 Natural camellias grow wild in large numbers on the Goto Islands. Natural yeast from its flowers was used in the fermentation process. It has a gentle sweetness derived from rice malt, and when served with hot water, it becomes very mild on the palate. This sweet potato shochu was created in collaboration with the Goto Islands Shuzo brewery and is sold exclusively at the museum. breakfast breakfast 朝食 breakfast https://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/rd-p-06.jpghttps://goto.by-onko-chishin.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/rd-p-06.jpg 気持ちよく目覚めた朝は、至高の朝食を。魚だけでなく、野菜、根菜の生産が盛んな五島。 手が込んだ少量多品種栽培が主で、素材の味を感じることができます。 毎日納品される島内で調達した食材をつかい、職人が丁寧に手作りしています。 炊き立ての白飯に、地元麦みそを使った味噌汁。 体にやさしい魚、野菜中心の「和食御膳」です。 連泊するお客様には毎日異なるメニューとなります。 朝食
07:30 – 10:00 (LO 09:00) On mornings when you wake up feeling good, enjoy a supreme breakfast. Not only fish, but also vegetables and root vegetables are produced in Gotō. The vegetables and root vegetables are mainly grown in small quantities and in many varieties, allowing you to feel the flavor of the ingredients. The ingredients are carefully handmade by artisans using ingredients procured on the island, which are delivered daily. Freshly cooked white rice is served with miso soup made with local barley miso. The menu is a healthful “Japanese-style meal” centered on fish and vegetables. For guests staying for consecutive nights, a different menu is offered every day. Breakfast
07:30 – 10:00 (LO 09:00) color: #bca475; padding-right: 15px;color: #bca475; padding-right: 15px;朝食メニュー一例Example of breakfast menubreakfastbreakfast table table お席 room for entertaining someone (e.g. a geisha) 一面の海、または、かつて活火山だった鬼岳を一望できる ray dining。空間デザイナー「橋本夕紀夫」が、建物だけはなく、テーブルや椅子など、細部まで手掛けた作品です。カジュアルなドレスコードで気取らず、ゆったりとお食事をお楽しみください。8名様まで対応できる個室もございます。 Overlooking the ocean or the once active volcano Onidake, ray dining is the work of space designer Yukio Hashimoto, who created not only the building but also the tables, chairs, and other details. A private room for up to 8 persons is also available.seatseat
Dinner – Kaiseki Cuisine
17:30~ / 19:45~
*Off-peak periods vary.
07:30 – 10:00 (LO 09:00)
Outpatient use
We also accept visitors who are not staying overnight.
We ask that you make a reservation in advance as this is by appointment only.
Please feel free to contact the hotel.
*For more information, please see below.
el sol y la luna “the sun and the moon
Lobster Upgrade Plan Late August – Mid-May With the theme of ingredients that are active and harvested during the daytime light and nighttime moonlight, you can enjoy the charms of Gotō and the island’s ingredients in abundance. We will bring you the “season” of the time in its most delicious state. Please enjoy a dinner of a higher grade using carefully selected ingredients from the Goto Islands. We may be able to prepare the menu even outside of the above period. Please feel free to contact us.
Hikari’s Japanese Cuisine” Standard Plan
Signature Dinner Year-round (menu varies depending on the season) Dishes inspired by the essence of island culture to preserve and pass on the food of Gotō and Nagasaki to future generations. Nagasaki’s glass, inheritance of culture, glistening techniques, and traditional food nurtured by the island’s climate. You can feel the various “lights of the region”, that is “Japanese Cuisine of Light”.
7 – glasses pairing
Sommelier-selected 7 kinds of pairing plan Year-round Enjoy 7 kinds of pairings carefully selected by the sommelier with Hikari’s Japanese cuisine. The pairings transcend the boundaries between Japanese and Western sake, with a selection of wines and local sake from Nagasaki and other parts of Kyushu. (*Menu is the same as the standard plan)
speciality – seafood
spiny lobster (esp. Japanese spiny lobster, Panulirus japonicus)
King grown in the best fishing grounds in Japan, late August to mid-May
The size of Gotō lobsters is three to five times larger than that of the mainland. At ray dining, we only serve the finest wild caught lobsters. At ray dining, we limit ourselves to only the finest wild caught lobsters, while our upgraded dinner menu allows you to choose from a wide variety of dishes, including zori, yaki, etc., according to your needs.
speciality – fish
Kue (Ara)
Phantom high quality fish all year round (September to February is recommended)
Kue, a fantastic fish that is rarely landed. Locals call it “Ara. Kue, which lives in complex reefs and is said to live for several decades, weighs more than 10 kg, with some weighing more than 40 kg, making it more like a premium meat than a fish. At dining, we offer a special winter-only “Kue Plan,” in which you can enjoy a whole Kue fish. We are able to purchase the whole fish, so we are able to offer a variety of rare parts. You can enjoy all of them.
speciality – beef
Goto beef
Rare cattle that do not appear on the market Year-round
Goto Beef is a premium Japanese black beef raised in the pleasant sea breeze and fresh climate of Goto. Goto beef has a good balance of lean and fatty meat, and is well marbled with a good amount of sashi. Since there are only a few head of beef, and many companies buy directly from us, there is no distribution in the market. The meat is roasted at a low temperature to fully enjoy the flavor of the meat itself. Note: Due to its rarity, it may be difficult to procure. If it is not available, we will offer Nagasaki high quality Wagyu beef, etc. Please understand this in advance.
speciality -shochu
Hotel original Goto sweet potato, camellia yeast, sweet potato shochu
Natural camellias grow wild in large numbers on the Goto Islands. Natural yeast from its flowers was used in the fermentation process. It has a gentle sweetness derived from rice malt, and when served with hot water, it becomes very mild on the palate. This sweet potato shochu was created in collaboration with the Goto Islands Shuzo brewery and is sold exclusively at the museum.
On mornings when you wake up feeling good, enjoy a supreme breakfast. Not only fish, but also vegetables and root vegetables are produced in Gotō. The vegetables and root vegetables are mainly grown in small quantities and in many varieties, allowing you to feel the flavor of the ingredients. The ingredients are carefully handmade by artisans using ingredients procured on the island, which are delivered daily. Freshly cooked white rice is served with miso soup made with local barley miso. The menu is a healthful “Japanese-style meal” centered on fish and vegetables. For guests staying for consecutive nights, a different menu is offered every day. Breakfast
07:30 – 10:00 (LO 09:00) color: #bca475; padding-right: 15px;Example of breakfast menubreakfast table room for entertaining someone (e.g. a geisha) Overlooking the ocean or the once active volcano Onidake, ray dining is the work of space designer Yukio Hashimoto, who created not only the building but also the tables, chairs, and other details. A private room for up to 8 persons is also available.seat
room for entertaining someone (e.g. a geisha)
Overlooking the ocean or the once active volcano Onidake, ray dining is the work of space designer Yukio Hashimoto, who created not only the building but also the tables, chairs, and other details. A private room for up to 8 persons is also available.