resort golf
resort golf
With ocean views from almost every course, this is the perfect location to enjoy the unspoiled wilderness.
Enjoy dynamic play on a superb course. Goto Retreat’s Resort Golf Special Plan
For details and reservations, please visit About the Course 18 holes / 6,584 yards This hilly course was created under the supervision of Takaaki Kono, a Hall of Fame professional golfer.model plan morning is not hard at all. Recommended for golf lovers.Departure from Tokyo 7:00 → Arrival at Fukuoka 9:40 → Arrival at Fukue 10:20 Start playing around 11:00 – Finish around 16:30 at Goto Country Club.
After the round, check in at the hotel around 5:00 p.m. and relax in the open-air bath with a view of the ocean. We also recommend our ray spa. for those who want to relax and enjoy Gotō to the fullest.Please relax at your hotel or tour around the island with ease.Play the day after your stay (start around 10:00 or 11:00 a.m. after breakfast at the hotel)
Estimated end of round: 3:00 or 4:00 p.m., so you can catch your flight home.
(* Please check the official website for flight and boat times.)
resort golfresort golf1泊では発見できない2泊で深まる魅力。A charm that cannot be discovered in one night, but deepens with two nights.五島へは連泊でのご滞在がおすすめです。Staying on Gotō for consecutive nights is recommended.五島リトリートのリゾートゴルフスペシャルプラン、
詳細およびご予約は下記をご覧ください。Goto Retreat’s Resort Golf Specials,
For more information and reservations, please visitゴルフパックプランを予約Book a Golf Package Plan
通常プラン+ゴルフオプションを予約Book Regular Plan + Golf Option ※オプション選択画面でゴルフをご選択ください Please select golf on the option selection screen.
About the Course 18 holes / 6,584 yards This hilly course was created under the supervision of Takaaki Kono, a Hall of Fame professional golfer.
model plan

Early morning is not hard at all. Recommended for golf lovers.
Departure from Tokyo 7:00 → Arrival at Fukuoka 9:40 → Arrival at Fukue 10:20 Start playing around 11:00 – Finish around 16:30 at Goto Country Club.
After the round, check in at the hotel around 5:00 p.m. and relax in the open-air bath with a view of the ocean. We also recommend our ray spa. for those who want to relax and enjoy Gotō to the fullest.Please relax at your hotel or tour around the island with ease.Play the day after your stay (start around 10:00 or 11:00 a.m. after breakfast at the hotel)
Estimated end of round: 3:00 or 4:00 p.m., so you can catch your flight home.
(* Please check the official website for flight and boat times.)
resort golfresort golf1泊では発見できない2泊で深まる魅力。A charm that cannot be discovered in one night, but deepens with two nights.五島へは連泊でのご滞在がおすすめです。Staying on Gotō for consecutive nights is recommended.五島リトリートのリゾートゴルフスペシャルプラン、
詳細およびご予約は下記をご覧ください。Goto Retreat’s Resort Golf Specials,
For more information and reservations, please visitゴルフパックプランを予約Book a Golf Package Plan
通常プラン+ゴルフオプションを予約Book Regular Plan + Golf Option ※オプション選択画面でゴルフをご選択ください Please select golf on the option selection screen.

Recommended for those who want to relax and enjoy Gotō to the fullest.
Please relax at your hotel or tour around the island with ease. Play the day after your stay (start around 10:00 or 11:00 a.m. after breakfast at the hotel)
Estimated end of round: 3:00 or 4:00 p.m., so you can catch your flight home.
(* Please check the official website for flight and boat times.)
resort golfresort golf1泊では発見できない2泊で深まる魅力。A charm that cannot be discovered in one night, but deepens with two nights.五島へは連泊でのご滞在がおすすめです。Staying on Gotō for consecutive nights is recommended.五島リトリートのリゾートゴルフスペシャルプラン、
詳細およびご予約は下記をご覧ください。Goto Retreat’s Resort Golf Specials,
For more information and reservations, please visitゴルフパックプランを予約Book a Golf Package Plan
通常プラン+ゴルフオプションを予約Book Regular Plan + Golf Option ※オプション選択画面でゴルフをご選択ください Please select golf on the option selection screen.
resort golf
A charm that cannot be discovered in one night, but deepens with two nights. Staying on Gotō for consecutive nights is recommended. Goto Retreat’s Resort Golf Specials,
For more information and reservations, please visitBook a Golf Package Plan
Book Regular Plan + Golf Option Please select golf on the option selection screen.